ACT NOW Protest Resources: An easy to read list of where to donate, petitions to sign, and how to contact local governments. This is an extensive list on how to put your money and your voice to work. Then browse the site for ‘positive stories about Black people or about those who are doing positive things for Black people.’
How to Support the Struggle Against Police Brutality: An article on with links on how to contact legislators, where to donate, petitions to sign and how to help in protest efforts.
Charity If you want to donate to organizations in more varied sectors, this is a great list that details organizations working across History and Culture, Health, Civil Rights, and Education.
Free Online Classes
From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives of Nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Movement: Emory University via Coursera taught by Bernard LaFayette, Jr.
The Civil War and Reconstruction – 1865-1890: The Unfinished Revolution: Columbia University via edX taught by Eric Foner
American Prophet: The Inner Life and Global Vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Stanford University via edX taught by Clayborne CarsonRevolutionary Ideas: An Introduction to Legal and Political Philosophy: University of Pennsylvania via Coursera taught by Alexander Guerrero
Systematic Racism and the relation to the “American Dream”: NPR article on how ghettos were formed and how the US keeps black and brown people from gaining equity.
Racism of the Criminal Justice System
The Sentencing Project: A leader in the way Americans think about Crime and punishment
Prison Policy Initiative: The non-profit, non-partisan Prison Policy Initiative produces cutting edge research to expose the broader harm of mass criminalization, and then sparks advocacy campaigns to create a more just society.
Institute for Justice and Opportunity: advocating for the right to housing, employment, healthcare, and other human rights too often denied people with criminal convictions.
Racial Equality Tools Criminal Justice Resources: a list of resources to help you understand the racial disparities in the American justice system
Podcasts & Talks
Code Switch: Race in your face. Podcast from NPR
At Liberty: The ACLU's podcast exploring the biggest civil rights and civil liberties issues of the day
TED: Talks to help you understand racism in America
How to Discuss With Kids & Family & Strangers
Resources for Talking About Race, Racism and Radicalized Violence with Kids: from the Center for Racial Justice in Education
UNs Let’s Fight Racism: includes links to all kinds of reading materials across a range of Human Rights subjects.
How to tell Someone You Love They’re Being Racist:
Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn’t one of them: The challenge for anti-racists looking for solutions in Trump’s America.
White Privilege Articles
Confronting Racism, Past and Present, to Heal Ourselves and Heal the World: By Minnijean Brown Trickey, one of the nine African American students who collectively resisted the opposition to the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The title says it all.
100 Ways White People Can Help Make the World Less Frustrating for People of Color by Kesiena Boom for Vice: Examples of things that actually happen and really shouldn’t. Quick read.
How to Support Your Partner of Color at Your Family’s Holiday Gathering by Harron Walker for Vice: A humorous but real look at how little things can have big effects for your partner when spending time with your people. Quick read.
My White Friend Asked Me to Explain White Privilege, so I Decided to be Honest by Lori Lakin Hutchinson: A look at small but dangerous acts of white privilege. Medium Length.
You can also read another short, but thought-provoking open letter by her here: What Is White Privilege, Really? Article by Cory Collins: A medium read with several very useful definitions of terms.
George Floyd, Racism, White Privilege and the Media LSE Article by Lee Edwards: A short read with a helpful list of examples of white privilege.
#BlackLivesMatter: A Poetry Reader: A list of short poems by black poets
Tate: Black Identities and Art: Discover Black art and artists in Tate's collection
"These Emerging Black Artists are the Future of Figurative Painting," Isis Davis-Marks for Artsy, February 2020. While you’re at it, check out her website Isis Davis-Marks
The Most Influential Living African American Artists Artsy 2019
Reading Lists
New York Times Antiracist reading list: Specifically Anti-racist reading chosen by NYT
Powells Books Antiracist reading list: Specifically Anti-racist reading chosen by Powells
Culture Type: Exploring art by and about people of African descent
Accounts to follow
How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change by Pres. Barack Obama
And the Obama Foundation’s dedicated site Anguish and Action designed to ‘aggregate and direct you to useful resources and organizations who’ve been fighting the good fight at the local and national levels for years.’
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Organizing Resources: A list of ways to organize and effect change. SURJ has many more useful resources on their website
Melanin and Mental Health: everything you need to know about mental health and communities of color
Therapy for Black Men: a dedicated place to visit for men and boys of color seeking support for mental health guidance or professionals
Therapy for Black Girls: A podcast and mental health resource for presenting mental health topics in a way that feels more accessible and relevant.
Open Path: sliding scale access to a therapist
Self article: a helpful list of easily accessible resources
Positive Moments of Protests: A super uplifting Twitter thread
Good Black News: The Good Things Black People Do, Give and Receive All Over The World